Micelio Hero Copy How Bytebeam help Micelio


Micelio is building revolutionary electric two-wheelers that cater to the last-mile delivery market.

They are the ‘one-stop solution for vendor logistical needs’ contributing to economic growth and job creation

Micelio EVs can run 24*7 and are suitable for Indian road conditions


Cost Optimization


Reduction in data transmission


Micelio faced difficulties building the best quality product keeping in mind the time and resources crunch for any early-stage startup. Bytebeam successfully provided them with a customized tech stack that solved most problems and helped them go to market in just three months. Read the case study to know more. 


  • For an early-stage startup, hiring an in-house team to build a back-end platform can be heavy on pockets, on the other hand, vertical solution providers, do not provide a customizable platform.
  • Finally, they were not able to reduce bottlenecks—an indication that the amount of data funneled into a network resource is too much for it to handle, which leads to delays in data transmission


  • While building in-house gives flexibility, it takes a lot of resources both in time and money to build from scratch. Using a vertical solution gives a solution you can start with very fast but ends up being not very customizable in the long run.
  • Bytebeam helped Micelio deploy fleet management customized according to Micelio’s needs to monitor the vehicles, and increase safety and the lifecycle while mitigating risks.
  • Micelio resolved existing bugs and boosted efficiency with remote debugging and OTA updates.
  • Data collected from on-road fleet helps them identify issues their drivers are facing and proactively fix them


  • As a result, Micelio saved time in planning, developing, and implementing an end-to-end connected vehicle solution.
  • They were able to leverage customized tech stack according to their needs.
  • This reduced their time to market significantly and optimized their cost by six times
  • And with the client-side library and Bytebeam’s data platform, their data transmission was reduced by 80%, thus ensuring seamless data transmission without any bottleneck in low latency networks like 2G

"Bytebeam simplifies device management by bringing multiple product lines with varying connectivity modules and requirements onto one platform"

Kislay Pankaj

CEO Micelio Motors

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